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czarina siberians

czarina forever families


CZARINA FOREVER FAMILIES are dear to our hearts. These are the homes that have opened up in love to our kitties, who continue to care for and enjoy our kitties from the moment we place them in their arms. These are the homes we have chosen to entrust our precious kitties into with the understanding our kitties will live lives full of delight, love, care, and protection. Thank you, each one, for the love you give your newest family member - your Czarina Siberians kitties - from the moment they are placed in your care. We treasure each one of you!

CZARINA SIBERIANS is committed to making well seasoned decisions in every aspect that could possibly affect our kitties because we know this is what enables the Siberian Cat to be preserved and gradually improved in perpetuity to grace our homes with their gorgeous, loving, weather resistant, hypoallergenic, intelligent, therapeutic nature intact. Rest assured, when you are bringing home fathomless hours of this very work that enables us to be called Preservation Breeders.

Congratulations to the Czarina Forever Families of each of the kitties featured here with their testimonials! We are thrilled you adore the kitty we thoughtfully and lovingly raised for you and placed in your care. We love receiving updates and pictures of our kitties loving lives - it is never too much. Thank you for allowing us to continue to be part of our kitties lives long after they join your loving homes!

THANK YOU for keeping in contact and allowing us to see the result of our hard work - the kitties we have loved from their inception and cared for with expertise over our 16 years in order to prepare your precious kitty for life with you. We deeply appreciated each one of our Czarina Forever Families!

If you are a Czarina Forever Family and would like to have your kitty’s picture and a testimonial included, please email us. We would love to add your kitty here!

czarina siberians sincerely thanks each of these czarina forever families for these updates - thank you! -

czarina siberians sincerely thanks each of these czarina forever families for these updates - thank you! -



Kostya is doing really well and has definitely worked his way into our hearts. He eats and sleeps well and has tons of energy for playing. We’re sure he has grown. He is an absolute delight!! He has bonded really well with us.

Kostya is now just over 7 months. he has become a very loyal, loving cat and spends all his time near us. Here are pictures of Kostya . . . relaxing, playing with our granddaughter, and one looking out the window which always seems to entertain him.

Kostya is a year old today. He’s doing very well; weighed 13lbs at 9 months, probably a little more now. He loves being near us and sitting on our laps. Very vocal cat! We thoroughly enjoy him and can’t imagine our home without him. Thank you for all the advice you have given this past year.

Kostya’s super loving and is never far from us. We enjoy having him very much. Our beautiful, loveable Kostya is two! Never far from us, often sitting on our laps purring away. We sure do love him!


We could not have asked for a better tempered kitty. Thank you so much for the addition to our family.

Tetzlaff is so tolerant of the twins learning to handle him and he loves playing with them. The boys play with him every day until he’s out of energy. At night he even sneaks into their bedroom for snuggles. I am beyond impressed with him temperament with small children and an older cat.

He is well loved here and is thriving both physically and mentally! At 9 months he weighed in at 15lbs. He’s fantastic!


We adore Theo. We are very happy with him and how happy he makes us all. Thank you again fro picking the perfect new addition to our family.

We wanted to thank you so so much for not only picking him for us but how you’ve trained him and loved him so much from the beginning - it’s evident how much he’s been loved by his demeanour. Thank you! Thank you!

I never thought it was going to be possible for me to ever have a cat with my allergies so it’s been a wonderful surprise.



Ruslan is the sweetest guy, I’m just so in love with him.

He is the funniest little guy though. Yesterday he had so much energy around 10pm. He has a little furry ball toy and he had it in his mouth and was sprinting across the basement then would drop it, play for a while, pick it up and runt o the other side, drop it and play for a bit. Back and forth. He’s certainly entertaining. My little adventure cat. :)

I love his colour. He is such a sweet boy, we ran into a group of kids on our way back and they all wanted a turn to hold him. He was so good and patient, even with the littlest ones! He really is such a little character. Makes having to stay home so much better for all of us! Isolation would be much more boring without him around haha.


Sofii is so happy and cute.

She’s busy exploring! Loving the office and the sunshine. My son and Sofii are having a great afternoon.

Sofii has settled right in, she sure loves to play! Sofii is such a character! And smart, she’s having a blast.

Sofii is sure an amazing kitten, she is so adorable and smart! She is such an outgoing kitten. She always has to see what’s going on and she runs to the door with our dog to greet guests.

Sofii is doing great and is so funny. She steals corks out of the vase to play with. Also upgraded her cat wall she is getting so Big!! Just love the way she plays peek-a-boo and of course she wants to be chased! So funny. She is such a great kitty, she snuggles with me every morning and comes when I call her, never more than arm length away, loves people. She is such a nice kitty. She’s getting pretty big! And so funny, I thought you’d like to see some recent pictures. It’s super noticeable when she stretches out, she’s a BIG kitty.


Zofiy’s had a lot of fun playing with toys already, he’s not as scared and timid as I thought! He cried when I left him to the washroom so he sat in the bathroom sink and just hung out. He’s a great companion already!



Thank you for everything! We are so in love with Anya.

She is thriving and mischievous and a gem! Thank you. Anya loves going outside as well. She’s not a fan of the leash. And the happy meows! Anya also loves watching hockey. She’s getting to be a big girl with a big personality!!


Petya’s doing great, not scared at all. He slept pretty much the whole way home. We’re all in love with him. He’s doing great.

Our first cat and Petya are getting along quite well. At 5 months Pety'a’s already over 7 pounds. And we love his colouring. Thank you. He’s amazing, the happiest quirkiest personality I think I’ve ever seen in a cat.


Pabiyan is a big personality with a heart of gold.

He’s a loveable goofball that loves to play with anything he can get his paws on. Everyday when we come home from work, Pabiyan loves to cuddle on our chests and kiss our noses. Even though he’s always acting silly, he’s also very clever, learning commands like “sit” and “high five” very quickly!

Having Pabiyan in our lives has given us lots of joy, love and laughter. Thank you Czarina Siberians for giving us the gift of our sweet darling! Thank you so much!! :)



Thanks so much. Leri is big and strong and full of mischief and energy but sweet and cuddly. We did keep his name since he did seem to respond to it right away and we did not want to add confusion. He settled in really well and quickly.

Leri turned one on Friday. He is a big fluffy boy now but still as cute and full of mischief as ever.

Leri is doing well and is a big furry boy now. He managed the Christmas tree fairly well. We put soft unbreakable ornaments near the bottom of the tree and he pulls them off and plays with them and then I put them back on and he does it again but it keeps away the temptation to jump up the tree and get the ornaments. I have attached a photo of him playing with his toy bear.


We got baby Eva from you last September and think she needs a friend! I can not believe my kitty will be a year on Saturday.

She’s a pretty quiet girl who squeak instead of meowing. And she’s very into cuddles. Eva is absolutely smitten with my new baby. When he cries she stands beside him and cries as well. She likes to cuddle in beside him and purr and he doesn’t mind at all.

Happy 4th birthday to my favourite sassy lady. Eva still gives me the best neck cuddles at 3am when I’m dead asleep. Thank you for letting me love you in the most extra way.

Maksimillian is purring away. His purrs are very loud. He’s a very good kitty. He is so amazing. I’ve never had a cat as cuddly as him. Maksimillian is now a year old and 20 pounds! He’s a big boy with rumbly purrs. He’s recently enjoyed going for walks and loves the breeze through his fur. He’s more dog than cat.

Maksimillian is the most loving, chatty cat in the universe. I love him and appreciate his tolerance of grabby toddler hands. Gold star for Maksimillian for being such a tolerant cat. Perk of having a doglike cat is that he licks the baby clean.

Just a boy and his best kitty. I adore watching them together. Maksimiliian makes the cutest noises when my toddler loves on him. Watching Maksimillian let my baby hug and hold him is such a lovely thin. I never thought he would tolerate the baby let alone let the baby drool, kiss and hold him. Seriously can’t get enough of these two.

Thank you Czarina Siberians for allowing me to love these guys.


Zabella is our queen and I’m her favourite. She loves being around me and guarding me. And I love to see her playing and sleeping. She is my stuffie.

She is gorgeous.



Tamryn has been checked out by a vet and got the OK! He was so well behaved! Thank you once again! He’s doing really well! He’s been quite calm and really likes exploring his place. Tamryn feeling right at home! He’s so amazing - hence why I’m thinking of another!

Such a chirpy boy! Love him to bits. He’s happy, slightly chubby, always loveable.


Already asleep in my lap! Feodor’s adorable thank you so much!!! So friendly and purrs like crazy Haha! Thought you would like to see Feodor can play fetch! So smart! I have taught him to play fetch, now when it’s bed time he brings me his little mouse to the bed and I throw it all the way down the stairs for exercise. I would like to start training him to walk on the leash. By summer maybe he can go for walks. The vet is also posting him on their Facebook for ‘patient of the week’ because he was so good haha He’s getting so big! He’s a good boy :) As Feodor’s one year old birthday passed I thought I would send you some current photos of him! He’s about 13 pounds now. Thank you!! We love him :) I’m thinking of getting Feodor a friend. Feodor is the fluffiest adventure cat, we love him so much. He greets us at the door when we come home and rolls over for his classic belly rubs! He loves to go outside with his harness on and run around in the grass. When he’s ready for a cuddle he meows and jumps on our laps. Feodor follows us around the house and is always within arms reach. :)

Vitya is super cuddly and really really playful. What a funny guy. Also purring lots. We love him already! Vitya is doing good. I’ve been playing fetch with him hes so smart :) getting excited to introduce Feodor to him.

Vitya’s amazing and cuddly. Feodor takes good care of him too. Thanks for being such great breeders!


Our little princess Biina is absolutely adored and such a blessing to have! Of course Biina sends her kitty cat kisses! Lol

Biina and Jeni are fast buddies! Jeni seems to have enough energy to play with both our other cats and then some. She is so lovely.



We are completely head over heals with our newest member of the family! The kids are totally in love and Cazimir is an amazing little guy. He is very lovable and playful and just sweet all around. We know we have the right match for our family.

As for the allergies, everything is great so far! A few little sniffles the first day or so but it could have been a coincidence or maybe he had some of the adult cats allergens on him. I gave him a bath and everything is fine. My husband and I actually had him sleeping in our bed and he’s had no reaction! Hard to believe!

Thanks again for everything! We are considering another!

Caterina is so sweet! We had her in a room by herself and then Cazimir wanted to see and she went right up to him and not afraid, touched noses, he batted at her a few times but didn’t hurt her and now he’s just curious. But totally safe to have them around each other. They are going to be fast friends I think.

Catrina wants to play with Cazimir but he’s not quite sure yet. The 2 of them are wonderful and having so much fun together. They are like twins.


Here’s the big suck. Archii’s doing very well, growing like a weed, I’m so curious to see how big he will get. He gets brushed a few times a week and loves it more than any cat I’ve seen. A true character, he loves to speak to me but only me and we often talk about each others day when I get home from work. Smart too, he’s starting to grasp the concept of door handles and I catch him jumping up to pull on them to open a door. I think the larger he gets the better he will be at this. We also play fetch. And that toy you sent with him is still his favourite by far.


Ekatrina is doing great and we all just love her. She is a perfect fit for our family :) Thank you for our cat.

Ekatrina follows us all around and spends work days on my husband’s desk watching him move the mouse or sleeping by the warm monitors. The kids have been gelte with her and she has been into playing with them lots also. She is a real treat and we are very happy and in love with her. Thank you.

It has been almost 15 months with Ekatrina. She is such a loved member of our family. We always get compliments of how pretty and chill she is. She is amazing with the kids. Thanks again.



I am so grateful for the amazing care I know Radoshka has been given.

Thank you for staying with her so long [at the airport]. She looks like a little ball of fluff in her keenl, looks like you made it cozy for her too :)

She’s fantastic. She did wonderful! She is having a drink right now and exploring. She’s pretty cozy. She had a good vet visit. She seems to certainly falling for us like we are her. She pretty much follows me everywhere. :) :D <3


Just wanted to send a note that Ullii is doing really well and has settled right in with us. She went for her shots last week and is playful and snuggly as ever. Here are some photos :) We love her so much :)

Wanted to keep you in the loop with Ullii becoming a big sister! Attached is a picture of her with our baby boy.

Things are going well with Ullii! She is such a character and we adore her. Ullii is such a social cat and we just adore her. We love showing her off. This recent photo is our porch-trait. Ullii has been spending her summer chasing butterflies (on halter and leash) and being a watchful babysitter. She is a chatty girl and would rather snuggle than social distance!

Ullii’s second birthday is coming up and she’s grown so much since we last chatted. She’s our big, healthy, hefty girl and we love her so much. She has proven to be the best co-worker a we’ve been working from home; often jumping up on our lap for a big snuggle with loud purrs.

Ullii has also been enjoying her supervised time outside and getting some hunting experience. She has such a personality and is a delight to have in our family. Hope you enjoy the pictures :)


Levi is doing well and is playful and beautiful. We are loving Levi, he is so sweet, cuddly and playful, perfect for us. The kids have grown to love him so much. Levi is doing well and is playful and beautiful, and definitely more than a little naughty! The kids love him so much! Here are a couple pictures of our handsome Levi.

I just wanted to let you know how well Varvara is adjusting to our family! She loves being held and played with . She’s very friendly and was not timid at all! She purrs readily and sleeps in our arms. We all are falling in love with her. She’s such a sweet little one!

Varvara is doing great, loves to eat and is getting along with Levi pretty well. She is very snuggly and feels right at home. She was never intimidated by Levi and loves to ambush him and jump on him. He’s usually pretty tolerant and gentle with her. We all love her so much and she has fit right into our family!

Thanks so much for the wonderful job you and your Czarinas do raising their beautiful kittens! We certainly appreciate being fortunate enough to have these incredibly loving cats in our lives.



We are really enjoying Valerian. He is very curious kitten and has to be everywhere we are.


We had a wonderful ride home with Ivano. He snuggled on our kids’ laps all the way home. He is so sweet, and he has already won a place in our hearts - we love him so much. Thank you for our beautiful new family member!

He has been purring today much to our delight. The kids have been very gentle in their approach, and enjoying all of the snuggles. I got my chance when they were at school . . . I must admit, my day was not overly productive as I was so enjoying my Ivano time. He’s perfect for us :) His colour is so rich and luxurious. I love the caramel colour. We love that the pads on his feet are so dark. Absolutely gorgeous combination. He is so very soft, perfect for snuggles, He follows us around the house, and he comes when we call him. Loves to play and snuggle in equal measures. He is such a joy and a love.

Our sweet boy is growing, and such a good friend! Our sweet Ivano is now 1, and we love him more than ever! You have given us such a gift in our sweet boy. I know how treasured your cats are to you.


Briella is such a happy girl. Best kitty ever. We are EXTREMELY happy with her as our pet, she has an amazing personality and is beautiful.

We want to get Briella a friend, and I’ve fell in love with Siberians (Briella is the best cat ever). I’m so happy with Briella. She is SUPER friendly. I just love Briella’s personality so much I wanted another Siberian. My husband treats Briella like a princess lol. She was definitely the best investment ever! I love her to pieces. Took this shot of Briella enjoying the snow today, thought you might enjoy it.



Helena really is amazing! I feel so lucky to have her. I wish she had a playmate. Sometime in the future I hope!! Here is beautiful Helena now. Thanks a million! She is awesome! Thank you for letting us adopt her. We love her so much!!!


Oxana is doing great. She is a loved little kitten. I love her and she loves me definitely my cat.


Markov is settled right in and we absolutely adore him!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!

It’s been a year since we welcomed Markov into our home. We love him so much! He loves to be snuggling or very close by.



And she’s already purring! Thank you. She is such a beautiful Siberian!! And she is sweet and playful. She loves to be around us and have little conversations, lol! Love her little sounds. She loves being outside and climbing trees!

Really looking forward to adopting from you again. One who is loveable and snuggly, just like Pauliin! Pauliin has been such a welcomed addition to our family and we are really looking forward to welcoming another kitty!


My handsome Luka is a proud Czarina Siberians graduate.


I love Pasha!

Aww he’s a sweetie. Thank you. He loves to purr. Such a cutie pie. Me and Pasha celebrated our birthdays. It was so amazing to celebrate together. Pasha has been a blessing in my life. He was meant to be my cat because we share the same birthday. He is the sweetest, cutest, funniest and fluffiest cat ever! He sleeps and sits in weird positions, loves to eat, super naughty and has the cutest face. He’s super huge but the most gentle cat you’ll ever meet. I love him to bits!! He’s my cuddle buddy, and my everything.

So lucky to have Pasha in my life and thanks to Czarina Siberians for giving me the perfect cat I could ever ask for.



Sasha is doing amazingly!! He is so sweet and always wants to be a part of what ever we are doing. Haha. We love him and can’t imagine life with out him. He has been the perfect addition.

If any of the kids are upset he is right there. He is so affectionate and loving. And can be super playful and silly too!! He is everything we could have asked for. He is exceptionally good looking and stands out to everyone. Whenever anyone comes by they comment on what a special looking cat he is! We love him to pieces!! They played like this all day today. He definitely favours our daughter. He goes everywhere she does. He also loves to play in water. He will play in our sink and get soaking wet from head to toe. It’s so cute to watch!


Gabbii’s happy, healthy, and doing well here with us. She is happy and healthy as can be. She is regal as ever. Gabbii is a darling and we love having her in our home. She has been a perfect therapy animal for my teen’s anxiety. They adore each other.

Vanya is doing wonderful. She continues to curl up in the sink and jump as high as she can. She is so energetic.

I will send you along some pictures of Gabbii and Vanya. They are adorable together.

Fotina is settling in well. She is a little lady on the go and has explored the bedroom and made it her own. She and Vanya “talk” through the door and its really cute.

Hamlin’s settling in quite nicely! He’s such a sweetheart . . . already making himself right at home.

All our Siberians, including Fotina, have been doing so well with each other. Fotina is happy and healthy as can be. She is just loving life. Fotina and Gabbii are pretty much inseparable.


Nima is growing so quickly! He is absolutely loved by all our friends and family who have met him. My daughter even said today that words can’t even describe how much we love him.

He loves everything about the cabin especially catching grasshoppers and climbing trees. He’s becoming quite the adventurous kitten. He’s great in the car, likes his hiking carrier, and has just discovered playing with water from the taps!

Nima’s a beautiful, gentle, calm boy who also loves to play!

Congratulations on filling families homes with fluffy bundles of love.



Xenia says hello too.

I just wanted to let you know that Xenia is enjoying her new home and we are absolutely in love with her. She is getting along beautifully with dogs and pretty much runs the house!!

We love our girl, she is amazing and fits in perfectly with our family.


We just wanted to let you know how happy we are with Jana and how wonderfully she is adapting and bonding with us. She is an absolute bundle of joy and we couldn’t be more happy.

We just love her. Thanks again!


Nika is doing well we love her so much, she is very sassy and we love it.

She loves to be near me and follow me everywhere she has never wrecked a thing in the house by scratching. She is perfect. I had decided early on I wanted my cat to go with us instead of being left at home all the time, so we got her outside in backpacks and on leashes early. I think she enjoys it.

Thanks again we are just so happy with her and love her so much.



We are loving the snuggle time!

We took Stepan for his health check today and the vet said he looked great. He was very playful and alert. Everyone in the office was infatuated with him!

He is a super snuggler. We are in love.

Things are going great! Stepan is very comfortable and feeling settled. He loves showing off his jumping and climbing skills and then snuggling up and sleeping. He is evens tarting to accept our dog!

Thank you for our beautiful boy!


Romanov has been doing fantastic. We adore him. He’s loved by all. Laugh. He enjoys hanging out with the kids. Usually literally right in whatever they’re doing. He can also open doors, smarty pants. He is curious about water and is not afraid to get wet.

He is as you described - very confident, snuggly, and playful. The kids absolutely love him and he has been doing very well with them. He is my little shadow. He also purrs like a diesel engine and enjoys making use out of my kids’ old play tunnel. He does get quite a few compliments from people.

He is a wonderful addition to our family.


Osip’s such a snuggle bunny!

The way this guy naps sometimes makes us laugh! We love him to pieces. He’s so handsome. He’s continuing to grow at a rapid rate and is such a crazy love bug! We can’t imagine life without him! He has such a wonderful personality.

He keeps growing and becoming an even bigger character! He’s so social! Our Osip is 9 months today and he weighed 11.7lbs this morning. He’s a big boy and mostly tail! Other cats definitely have tail envy!

Your cats are so wonderful! Osip is the friendliest, loving character and my husband and I cannot imagine life without him now!



I just wanted to let you know that Hullii is thriving here. She has a great personality. Hullii has quite a personality. I love the playful personality of your cats.

OMG I am so in love with Yason! He has such a great personality. We have bonded so fast. He is eating well. I have also integrated him with Hullii and my other cat already. They have been polite and all is well.


We just LOVE our Aleksandr. Aleksandr got out in the snow and loved it. We too were thinking of putting a harness on him and taking him out. He’s been out a few times on a harness, doesn’t mind it but won’t be led - lol. Aleksandr is awesome. He really is very entertaining! We love him so much. He will let us pick him up and give him some loves.


Rurik is settling in and being very playful.

He continues to be just an amazing addition to our family!



retired momma kitty

Things I’ve learned about Annushka.

She loves belly rubs. She loves to be high up! The top of her tree and the even higher ledge are her favourite places. She loves to watch out the window, aka CatTV. Her purr is very soft and quiet. While mostly quiet, she wants play time once or twice a day. If you think she can’t make the jump, you’re wrong. She likes to join you in bed for sleeping. If you sleep too late and she gets bored she will nibble your feet to wake you up. They are play nibbles and she doesn’t bite hard enough to break skin. She is so sweet she won’t even scratch you deliberately - the only scracth I’ve gotten was collateral damage during play. She prefers pets while she’s beside you rather than on you, but occasionally she will seek out your lap for cuddles. For play, she prefers to target ground prey and will largely ignore toys in the air. She needs frequent brushing, and doesn’t like being brushed . . . until you manage to actually start brushing her, then she kinda melts and purrs. She prefers belly rubs to back pets by a huge margin. She likes to rub her face on everything. I just hold up the brush and she smooshes her face into it. Repeatedly. She gets jealous when I talk to my mom on the phone. She’ll come up to me, purr, rub her face on me, and even lie down on the phone!

Here’s to another year with my favourite kitty!


Sabina helping me write a paper and posing on the couch. She is so fabulous. We just love her. I am so happy with her and she is so big for a 7 month old kitten!

Congratulations on your anniversary. You guys are so amazing! This is a few new pics of my beautiful Sabina. She is such a joy


First night Mishkah gave me a big meow and started purring immediately . . . and loudly! Lol. So cute!! He sat on the couch for a snuggle with me.

I really feel like our family is complete now :D

So this morning handsome man came to work with me . . . he has discovered that if he sits directly on my paperwork in front of me that he gets my full attention. Lol. I was working and he actually grabbed my hand with his paw and pulled it over to give him a scratch on the belly hahaha!

As far as allergies go, my husband had a couple of issues in the beginning but everything has subsided and he can now be found frequently cuddled up with our handsome man on the couch :D

Mishkah and the dogs get along famously and he and our great dane bond more and more every day! He is so funny, he just wants to be wherever we are and will follow us like the dogs do from room to room meowing for our attention. Haha.

Thank you once again for the best cat EVER!!! We couldn’t be happier with our weeman and count our blessings everyday!


We love him so much. Probably more and more every single day (if that’s even possible!!). I don’t think I have ever met a cat quite as gentle as he is though . . . never does he use his claws. And when he does accidentally hurt he is very concerned. He lives for belly rubs. Anyway, just wanted to give ya an update on our giant man.



I love Vitaliya dearly.

She’s a purr machine. She’s such a beautiful girl that purrs as soon as you pet her and always gives kitty kisses. She’s such a good girl. Vitaliya always claims the dog bed. She also loves to snuggle. She loves to talk to us. She’s also our little watch cat. When the door bell rings she runs to the door.

We sure love Vitaliya.

Kiska is a real sweetheart and we absolutely love him! Thank you for being such a great breeder and that I can ask you questions.

Kiska sure enjoys the cuddles. He loves being with us. Can’t thank you enough. Kiska is such a joy to have. He is a very happy boy and very snuggly. He has such a wonderful personality. Always wanting to be picked up for a snuggle. Everyone just falls in love with him.

They are real buddies these two (my grandson and Kiska). I think Kiska will be a big boy for sure. He’s about 19lbs at 1 year 5 months. He’s my big baby.

These two are such a part of the family. It’s such a warm feeling coming home and all my furbabies are at the door to greet me. Kiska is doing amazing. Vitaliya loves her morning cuddles and evening cuddles. She’s a real sweetheart. Kiska is the clown and is always laying in funny positions or just goofing around. Their favourite thing to do is to put their toy mice in the water bowl and play with them.

Kiska can read my moods and always knows when I need that extra kitty cuddle. They are such a joy to have. I will always be grateful I found such a wonderful breeder of these wonderful babies who are now such a big part of our family. Many blessings to you both and to all your furbabies.


I just want to express the joy and happiness that you guys are bringing into this world MUST BE beyond measure if all of the kittens that you are finding homes for are bringing even a fraction of the joy that little Roza is bringing us.

Roza has such a great disposition and is SOOOOOO CUTE AND CUDDLY!! Thank you so much!! :)

We are a very happy family of four: two humans and two fur children. Roza and Barsip bring us so much joy . . . and hopefully we bring them joy too. We sure try to! :)

Barsip’s definitely a growing boy. He follows me and cuddles up on me everywhere I go. He’s definitely the same cuddle bug he was as a baby when he was with you guys. He’s such a chatt boy with his silent little meows. He’s done this every since day one with us and it’s so cute.

Barsip continues to be the cuddliest boy ever. He is just the cuddliest cat I’ve ever met. If he wakes up from a nap on his cat tree and sees me, he immediately gets up and runs over for a cuddle. I love him sooo much.

We just know how much you adore all of your cats and teh great care you give them, and we trust you.


We love him and he’s so amazing with my kids.

She loves cats. Her brother is still a work in progress but Prince Huey is really good with him regardless.



Thought you’d like to see the adventures they have been up to. Thanks for the amazing fur babies. They are the most amazing boys and have completed our family. The adventures have been amazing with them they have adapted so well to change. With many more adventures to come I will send you updates and pictures. All the best to you.

Our boys are super healthy just had them weighed in Jasna is 13 pounds and Jovii is 12.5 pounds. I thought they were the perfect size and right on target with all the sites I read up on it. We so love our boys. Yesterday we celebrated th eboys 2nd birthday. Thank you for giving us the best gift ever. Our boys. Spring and summer is coming and there are many adventures planned for them this summer.


Yanina’s doing great! When she isn’t napping she’s playing :)


Yusmara is beyond sweet. She is the best study partner already. We are completely smitten with her. She is adjusting so well and is eating, drinking, and using her little box. I am getting no work done today as I can’t stop looking at her. I put a window hammock on the window by my desk so she didn’t have to be alone :)

I feel like we ordered a custom cat. She is so content, a perfect mix of playful and cuddly. We couldn’t be happier.

Yusmara has grown into a beautiful well mannered cat. She brings so much joy to everyone in our family and we are so grateful to have her. She is so easy going and relaxed. It absolutely cracks us up how she sleeps on her back. We couldn’t be happier with her.


I just wanted to send you a quick email letting you know that they ‘boys’ are doing just great! We are really getting to know both of their personalities and falling completely in love with them. They also give us lots of chuckles.

Czar is a very chilled out cat. Nothing much rattles him. Unless your late feeding him. Then he lets you know very loudly that there is an issue! Lol

We have Dovsti and Czar. I am positive that Dovsti would love the kitten as he would love a playmate.

They’re awesome. Czar has grown sooooo much since we got him. He’s 19.5 pounds and long! Beautiful and regal as ever. And Dovsti. A day does not go by that he doesn’t have us all laughing our heads off.


Olga is doing really well with the kids. My husband is not reacting to his cat allergy so all good. Kids love her very much. She seems to want to be around us. Which is great. She is a funny little girl. Holy cow can she jump high! Thank you for her. She has been letting my son carry her and not complain about it. She is a funny little girl! Which is great :) She is a lovely little girl. We have enjoyed her very much. Olga is so easy/good natured.


Levushka continues to be loving and affectionate as ever, he loves to play fetch with his favourite toy (plastic spring).

I have never seen a more loving cat!! We love him so much!



Nikolai was really good hardly made a noise until the last hour or so. I rolled over in bed last night and he was sleeping beside me. He is pretty funny. And they are finally playing, so they are now friends following each other around and playing with each other. He’s getting big so fast.


Olya is such a sweetheart! He now knows he’s the king of the place. I’ve never known a cat to have his temperament - we just love him to bits. He purrs as soon as you get within a few feet of him, sometimes so loudly that you have to talk over him. And he is so very gentle!!

His favourite things are:

-His once or twice daily brushings - which is such a nice change from our dogs!

-Sitting, snoozing and watching outside from his cat tree

-If there is an empty laundry basket, he’s in it snoozing away

-He loves being cuddled (literally held like a baby)

-Oddly enough he is obsessed with our stairs. He rolls himself up and down and upside-down them. It took a while to get used to the idea that he was doing it for fun and not on accident, but sure enough . . . he is such a character and definitely entertaining to watch!

Our daughter is smitten, and Olya knows he is quite adored. Can’t tall you how much he has added to our days and to our little family.

Thank you so much for letting us have him!


The Vet Techs LOVE Yerik and Yerochka, they always say they are the most well behaved babies they have met! They are very big now! About 10 lbs each.

Our boys are very loved and happy and love being big brothers. Yerochka is wild and loves to climb the ladders we use for renovating, but loves snuggles too and has the highest pitched meow ever, it’s adorable. And Yerik is the SNUGGLIEST creature in existence. He is my shadow and lives for cuddles. He loves to be held, he just lets his body go limp as soon as I pick him up and would stay in my arms 24/7 if I allowed is haha.

Their personalities are SO strong it is crazy. And so distinct even though they’re brothers. But they’re both so loveable and communicative. They both meow at us. Yerochka argues with us when we won’t let him get his way. They’re our first born babies!

Also we had to drive across the country when the lockdown started. So we drove across the country with the 2 cats in tow. We all slept in the SUV. And they were both AMAZING. They didn’t get sick, they sat up front and looked out the windows. Snuggled up and slept all night, it was amazing.

They’re unbelievable animals. I really only initially started looking into them because of my husband’s allergies, but now I am SO grateful for his allergies haha because otherwise I would never have known about Siberians. They’re so trusting and communicative and just the sweetest and funniest little family members. We have flown with them a bunch too and they’re always perfect. We have to sing to them during takeoff but then they just nap during the flight!

They are my shadows!



Zhenechka hasn’t stopped purring. Lol He is doing very well and growing fast! We got a puppy and they are inseparable. He is doing great and has gotten so big! He is a beautiful cat. Thanks!


Safe and sound. Lukyan is already purring and rubbing against me, so everything is going smoothly! I’ve come back from the vet, he is all good and healthy! He likes to be around me. Overall I’m very happy with how well Lukyan turned out, and I’ll keep in touch. Thanks.


My daughter is going to be a crazy cat lady for Halloween and her Olenka was part of the pictures. We love him so much. Hahaha, our Olenka likes to play fetch too.



Oriel loves the backpack, we take him on lots of adventures. He has a very funny and sweet personality and fits into our little family very well. My husband also hasn’t had any issues with his allergies which is a plus :)

Plushka is doing great and is the perfect fit for our family!

Plushka and Oriel are best buddies and she has grown into such a silly, friendly personality. They are helping me write this email :)


retired momma kitty

I called Tyanna’s name to get her to look at the camera and she came running. She’s such a wonderful addition to our family. No allergy signs at all.


We are all over the moon with our new addition to the family. Usatiy is such a lovely boy. He is settling right in and we all love him so much already. I wanted to share with you a few photos.

We couldn’t be happier, thank you for all you did prior to us welcoming him into our home. It is obvious how much love and care he received from you. He has a sweet gentle nature and loves to play and snuggle. He is truly a special boy.



retired momma kitty

These two have really hit it off. Anzhelika doesn’t leave his side. They are snoozing away together right now in my bed. Much love to you both xo

Anzhelika is so loving. We all love her so much!

Anzhelika is THE most beautiful cat. We get compliments on her all the time. Inside and out she is so wonderful.

We really hit the jackpot with our Ms. A and we love her so much and her kind loving calm disposition!!!


Yevsei is doing great! He and Ezra are nearly inseparable. I have been so happy to see how Yevsei loves Ezra, and Ezra’s life seems so enriched now that he has Yevsei as a friend.

Yevsei has moved from his cuddly kitten phase to his nonstop energy kitty phase. He has grown so much! He’s really a delight! He will still cuddle with me at night or when I pick him up, but otherwise he is constantly exploring.

Yevsei is one year old now! He is a delight, and he sure reminds me of the photos of his mom!


I swear there has never been a cute kitten than Prosha. Everyone swoons over Prosha at the vet because he’s so handsome!



Bella comes to us when called. She gives me a kiss every morning when she sees I’m awake.


Just wanted to commend you guys on pick out the perfect kitten personality for our family. We ALL love Prince Pashka, but I have never seen a cat and a toddler bond as quickly or as closely as I have with my two year old and him. Wherever my daughter is, Pashka is following her. I was worried our family might be too hectic for a cat, but he’s so outgoing, gentle and sweet. Absolutely perfect for us.


Hi Winona and Rachel, I want to thank you guys again for choosing me to care for two of your beautiful boys. Timofey and Tatuk have honestly been the most joyful, loving, and entertaining addition to my life. They’re both so different and they’re both so perfect and I’m very grateful to have them. They bring so much happiness, laughter, love, snuggles, etc. to my life and I can honestly say that was one of the best decisions I have ever made to have both of them. So thank you again for allowing me part of your Czarina family.



Matyshka is sooo smart! He loves to try and figure things out!

He met our bird yesterday and briefly our husky. TODAY….Matyshka met our Chinchilla. It was incredible! They absolutely love each other! Who would think a rodent and cat to enjoy each others company. They were kissing noses, petting each others paws, and I’ve never seen the Chinchilla so attached to anything as she is to Matyshka. Very cute!


As soon as we hold Jovi he’d purr and snuggle in. I know you sometimes like updates of the cat your guys had so thought I’d share this one of Jovi. I am a tutor and he is such a wonderful cat when my students come my way. They come into the house, put their stuff down, and Jovi runs over and does this. He sure does show love to my students! It’s so sweet so I just had to share one of the joys we have with Jovi.


Andrei is doing great. We love him. He loves the kids. Sleeps in my daughter’s room with her and plays with our dogs.



Benedikt has been home for around an hour and is currently sitting next to me snoozing on the couch! I’m so pleased! My allergies cleared up on the way home. Thank you for this beautiful kitten.

Benedikt is doing very well with the kids and is a welcome addition to our family.


Prince Caspian is sooo much FUN…& brought ‘life’ into this house.

He is such a wonderful & sweet boy . . . every1 loves him. He has such a fun personality. Thx so much for such a good boy! He is a ‘snuggle monster’. I’m a BIG Caspian fan.


Chenkoko is very loving and affectionate. He’s also incredibly patient and even tempered! He gets along great with our two year old and our large dog.



Having Desya around is a real joy, she’s so cuddly and meows all the time, I love it! Sometimes she’ll sleep in our sink . . . it’s like it was made to be a cat bed! She likes to play with the rabbits while they hop around on the floor in the kitchen! I’m really happy.


Evsei is doing great! Gets along with the dogs well and as you said he’s totally loveable! His personality is huge and we completely adore him!! Thanks again for this special addition to our family!!!


Francii loves people and loves playing. Francii is a wonderful cat. Can’t imagine life without her. She is doing great. A pure joy. Thanks for entrusting us with your precious kitty.



Effemei has made himself at home and adores playing and cuddling with the kids. The whole family is in love with him. He is very laid back and relaxed kitty, and crazy-playful! Thanks for letting us take this sweet little guy. His personality couldn’t be more perfect, and he is beautiful!!

He is fabulous and this whole family is thoroughly smitten. We couldn’t have gotten a better cat in the world, his personality is so perfect! He is so calm and affectionate, yet playful and so entertaining. He’s a funny little guy, really likes to ‘shower’ under a drippy faucet and has jumped into our girl’s baths a couple times. He is gorgeous, getting big (4 months and he weighed in at 6.8 pounds today!) looking more and more silvery. Thanks again for this precious kitten!


Zoda has brought us so much love and entertainment over the past year, which has been a God-send. We moved in December, and have had a lot of work on our new house. He makes friends with every contractor that comes through. He’s even won over folks that aren’t cat-lovers. Apparently, he’s instagrammed more than we even know.


Iosef is doing very well and seems to be adjusting remarkably. He’s so sweet, enjoys time with all of us and even is quite relaxed with the dogs, as you’ll see by the pictures.

He now wrestles all day with the younger of our two dogs, and the three of them chase around the house. It’s quite entertaining! The Vet says he thinks he will be a big kitty. He certainly seems to be growing every day!


I just thought I’d let you know that we think the world of Bayaana! Bayaana ate well yesterday, played for hours with cat toys, purred and slept next to me all night.

Thank you again for bringing us this gift!


Tashiyana is the best kitty we could’ve wished for! She is ridiculously funny, loves water and is found dipping her paw in anyone’s glass for a taste. Lol She is very acrobatic and jumps in backward somersaults when chasing her feather wand toy. We also love how she always needs to be in the middle of the action where the family is. I think she’s modeled after the dogs as she is one of the first ones to greet me at the door every day! She holds her own with the dogs and thinks she’s one of them. Only at night is she cuddly and will curl up next to you. Otherwise she likes a quick petting session and then back off to explore some game. We love her to bits and cherish her so much. Thank you again for gifting us the perfect kitty, who is absolutely stunning as well!

Thinking of adding another kitty to the family! Would love another female, same look and definitely the spunky one in the group. Tashiyana keeps us laughing everyday with her antics. A favourite is jumping 4 ft high around corners when you enter a room!! Spunky and full personality is the primary characteristic that I’d be interested in before gender though!


Omg Friedric is so cute!!!! I’m in love thank you guys so much!!! He’s doing really well so far and seems like he has a great personality.

Friedric is doing great!! He’s been such a joy to have around.

Happy First Birthday Freddy!!! Couldn’t make it through the last year without this little guy. You’re the bestest kitty in the whole wide world (13 lbs, Loves to play, sleep, eat, go for walks).



My allergies so far have been minimal to none which is great. We are thrilled with our new addition.

Elissei is doing great he is getting quite big he is about 10-12lbs now (7 months old). The vet says he is going to be a big boy. He is great friends with the dogs. I think he thinks he is a dog sometimes!


Sending you an email in regards to Leontiy. He is doing so great, and is a much loved pet of our family. Our 6 year old and him have grown to be best friends, and they have an adorable bond.

Thank you for all your time last fall in helping me choose the best addition to our family. His personality is amazing and he gets compliments all the time on how handsome he is :)


I wanted you to know that Luka is a fantastic cat! I’ve had him for almost 3 years now and he is part of the family. When I met Luka he warmed up to me right away so I can tell that you raised him properly too!

He has such a great personality. Such a character. He makes me laugh. Luka is very relaxed and laid back. I’m glad to have him. He’s such a magnificent cat. People stop and ask about him all the time. Osya (his dad) is magnificent. I love the Black Smoke colour. So nice. I love Luka very much.


Czeron is doing very well, he is very spoiled and already controls me . . . he is growing so fast. I feel he will get quite big. His hind legs and paws are so large. Loves to jump and run, but I’m sure that is his breed. Vet thought he had quite a personality.

Czeron follows me everywhere. He wants 100% attention and non-stop wants to play, but finally is sleeping through the entire night on the pillow beside me. My sister says I have spoiled him too much. But after all is my little boy.

Anyways, he has brought me so much joy and love through this challenging time.

Thank you! We are in love and loving Catriina so much!


Cira is a very fun-loving and curious kitten. She loves to cuddle, climb on everything, follow everyone around the house, and find new things to explore almost everyday. We really love having her as part of the family.



Yoshka is growing like crazy and is almost as big as his ‘big brother’ (who he gets along with so well)!


Things are going well with Mikhail! He is a great family cat, and he and my 5 year old son are good buddies! Attached are a couple pictures of him relaxing as only a cat can!!


Just touching base with some photos of Nadenka. We love her!



Nasir is doing wonderful. He is so good with my kids and the kids just love him! Thanks so much for the beautiful cat :))


retired momma kitty - outstanding dam & supreme grand champion alter with TICA

My husband has become one of Izabella’s favourite cuddlers. She likes to talk to me sometimes, she’s very sweet. She gets along well with our two large dogs. She is such a good kitty! Such a beautiful kitty, love her snuggles! I


Tasha’s wonderful and such a sweet companion. Truly a great fit for my family and me.



Zivii’s so cute. We’re looking at getting another kitten, a buddy for little Zivii.

Zivii and Grigori: Ultimate bromance.


Both Zhorah and Bublik are doing well, and are very fond of one another. Zhorah has grown into a beautiful cat! I am also happy to report that he and our Boxer dog are good playmates and get along well. Zhorah is doing very well - he is always playful and curious! We are thinking of getting another Siberian kitten. We are delighted with Zhorah, who is now getting along very well with our Boxer dog. Both are lively and playful animals.


I adopted a sweet little kitten from you a little over 6 years ago now :) Now he is big beautiful Denii! It would be nice to have a companion for Denii and of course the family.



Tolenka is so amazing. Hr really is the perfect cat for family especially for the kids.

Thanks again for placing Tolenka with our family. He’s a wonderful new addition.


Again, thank you for connecting with me regarding this wonderful kitten in December. My husband and I can’t imagine life without Uliana! She’s become an instant imprint on both our hearts - we love her!

It’s hard not to gush about Uliana, but you’ll understand because you love these cats! :)

We are still ridiculously happy with her and so glad she’s part of our family. She’s hands-down the smartest cat I’ve ever seen. She creates and guides her own play. We’ve actually taken our ladder and covered it in a rug and toys because she got so curious about climbing it all the time.

And although she’s an indoor cat, she’s super curious about the outside, so when we had a skiff of snow a few months ago, we put her on a harness and leash and took her out. She ‘kind of’ liked it. :) And we’ve started taking her for hikes in a modified backpack/carrier. She gets so stimulated with all the smells and enjoys seeing nature! When we get home she always sleeps quite a while - it’s as if she’s the one doing the exhausting hiking! She’s so funny!

Uliana has her own little games with both my husband and I that she likes to do. It’s interested how she prefers certain types of play with each of us. She’s super active and on any given day, I have to make her a fort ot two out of blankets and boxes, we play jumping for the feather, and she’s learning to fetch. She came up with that one all by herself.

We call her our kitten-dawg actually because she plays 1/2 like a cat and 1/2 like a dog. She does not back down from anything and isn’t scared of anything. In fact, if she had hands, I could probably get her to vacuum soon as she’s ever warming up to that and follows the hose around and when we shut it off, she lays on the head of it.

Recently, we bought this large frisbee ring thing and we toss it around for her. Well, one day my son was visiting and he held it up and she jumped through. She did it about 8 times in a row before she stopped. She LOVES something new and a challenge. It’s a one-cat circus around here! hehe - we love it!

Oh, and when I take her to the vet, all the assistants have now taken a turn at helping her because they all want to see how beautiful they are. They tell me they haven’t seen a cat this pretty! :) I’m super proud of her! She’s already bigger than any cat I’ve had.


Valentin has brought so much joy to my life! I can’t imagine life without Valentin. He brings us laughter and joy everyday, and I wouldn’t trade the monthly allergy shots or the nightly wake up calls for cuddles and snacks for anything!



Tanis has a best friend, who loves her so much. We all adore her.

Tanis is a real beauty, we all adore her and not only because she is beautiful but how sweet she is, so gentle with kids, so patient and playful. She is my best company!


My husband has always had mild allergies to cats/animals but loves them. We had a cat that passes away a few years ago around 24 year old but my husband could never really hang out with him without a reaction. Mikha has been so amazing. My husband has never had a pet he was able to watch TV and just hang out with. Mikha follows him everywhere when he’s home. Because of him having no reaction to him, Mikha has total freedom at home and we love every minute with him. Especially my husband who plays with him all the time.

Yaan is almost 9 months old and so full of love and snuggles. He’s the quietest cat ever!! He hasn’t really meowed since he was little and rarely ever gives a full meow. More like little chirps.

A new bond between brothers has happened. These two are so fun to watch.

I wanted to tell you all about Evanne’s first night and day so far at her new home. She was super quiet and curious on our way home. She’s such a good kitty. I love her so much!

I thought it would be nice for you to have an update on Evanne. She is doing so great, she is growing so much and so fast that she not a little baby anymore. We recently went to visit my mom down in Quebec and Evanne really connected with her! I have noticed that her luff is getting so soft lately and I really love that! She is the sweetest always with us, she always wants so pets and attention from us.

Once again we are so happy to have Evanne in our home, for me personally she is the greatest company ever!



Fabi was such an angel the whole drive home (to BC)!! Thank you so much! Fabi has brought us so much joy. She’s such a cute fluff!! She’s a little snuggler. We are obsessed already.

Mikita is such an amazing kitty!! Couldn’t be happier. And him and his bit sister are best friends.


Frosia is super snuggly. She traveled very well. She is very confident and sociable for such a small kitty. Our kids are pretty enthralled with her already :) She really is a well adjusted kitten. You can tell that Frosia is one very loved little kitty. Frosia is such a sweet and smart little kitten. She is playing fetch already with one of the crinkly ball toys.

Since Frosia is so well socialized, we thought it would be a good idea to bring her for a visit with my parents. My dad has terminal brain cancer. He has not been very interactive lately, but Frosia sure brought a smile to his face, which was nice to see. We are amazed at how well adjusted and confident she is for such a little cat. The last time my dad really interacted with us was when we visited with Frosia. Thank you so much for the heartfelt and thoughtful voicemail message about my dad passing away.

Frosia and our other cat have definitely been the best things that happened to us in the last year - they bring joy into our home. Frosia just enjoys being around us. Fosia also snuggles with my husband, and enjoys when he combs her. Frosia and our other cat’s favourite thing to do now is chase each other around at full speed. It is entertaining to watch. They play, sleep, eat, and fight together. Frosia is a little bundle of energy. She is very confident and not afraid of anything :) - it sounds like a herd of elephants. They also love snuggling and grooming each other. Frosia enjoys the water, and just jumps in the tub to join my daughter sometimes.

Frosia continues to be a very zesty and loving kitten. We all love Frosia so much, especially our girls :) We are extremely thankful to have her as part of our family. She is such an amazing cat, and brings a lot of joy to our lives. She is a very easy going cat, and is very good with people. Frosia really calms her down when my daughter gets upset.

We love our Galina and Gennadia! These girls bring us so much joy to our home everyday!


Miss Kira. She’s a beauty.

Thank you. Larri and my other cat are both doing well. They are hilarious together and very curious and adventurous. Larri loves to get up on high objects. Larri is beautiful and friendly.


Today is our first year together, me and Khristiyana and we are happy. She is wonderful, my joy, my baby. Thank you very much. With love.

I just want to share with you my and Khristiyana’s happiness. She is adorable and very affectionate, pretty active. She says hi to you, Winona and Rachel. I would just like to thank you for Khristiyana. We are happy. She’s wonderful. Thank you very much. I wish you all the best.


My other cat and Czigan are getting along so well!

Cuddle puddle! (My brindle staffy puppy rescue and Czigan)

Czigan emerges from under the Christmas tree for kibbles and cuddles.


Thank you so much! Costya’s been playing all day and finally sleeping now.


They each have their own way of expressing their love. Dascha gives hugs, while Fadushka gives kisses.

Our little white lion turns one today! You were a tiny little floof when I took you home on December 24th last year and you’ve been nothing short of a Christmas miracle. You’ve brought so much joy, laughter, and love into our home in an incredibly difficult time. You’re so inquisitive, playful, social, fearless, mischievous, and affectionate - everyone who meets you absolutely adores you. You’re a champion wrestler who loves his springy toys, blanket, and definitely his wet food. You took to Dascha immediately and it melts my heart to witness your love for each other. I’m so thankful for you everyday and I look forward to watching you grown up even bigger! Dascha and I love you so much. Happy first birthday, my sweet boy Fadushka. xo

Happy first birthday, my sweet little nugget Dascha. After a long wait, you couldn’t have come into my life at a better time. This past year has been unfathomably difficult for me, filled with unspeakable tragedy, loss, and pain; yet your unconditional love brings me so much comfrot and gives me hope. My heart melts whenever I see your little face look up at me, when you nuzzle your head into my neck, and when I witness your love for Fadushka. I’m so thankful for you everyday: your gentleness, loving affection, and the things that you teach me without words. Fadushka and I love you dearly, and we can’t imagine our lives without you. xo

Hi, I’m Fadushka. I’m a confident little furball of energy who can barely sit still for a photo. I do everything hard: explore, play, and even nap. I’m extremely agile, climbing and leaping like you wouldn’t believe! When I’m not chasing and wrestling Dascha, you’ll find me stealing her wet food and snuggling up to Dad.

Did we just become best friends?? #lessthanhalfaday


We are loving our fluffy kitty. Hugeuy’s huge already! Wasn’t expecting him to get so big. So sweet, cuddly and adventurous. Kids and us love him dearly.


I’m sure you guys would love to see how Lenya’s been doing! Truth be told he is full of personality and silliness, so most pictures are usually us capturing him and his silly ways!

My family and I truly cannot thank you enough for giving us our 6th member, Lenya is truly the light of our lives. There is never a dull moment with him, sometimes I’m even convinced he’s a little puppy in disguise!! He has been doing excellent over the years and we spoil him to no end because he truly deserves it.

Thank you so much for all the joy you bring to peoples’ lives! Pets really are family, and we cannot imagine life without him.


We are so grateful for CS bringing Akalina into our family! Akalina is getting very big now! Hello to everyone back at Akalina’s birthplace! I think Akalina looks very much like her mom - just different colouring. Akalina is quite the celebrity amongst our large circle of friends.

Our little snow princess loves to touch the snow with her fluffy paws. Really, she loves anything to do with water . . . she dashes to the tub when the bath is being drawn. She sits on the tub deck during my bath, licking the faucet and pawing at the bubbles. She will sleep in the sinks. She is very good at playing hide and go seek. We should send you a video of that! Lol.

Akalina also loves to be the center of making the beds. She likes to have the sheets fluffed over her, like a parachute and the win in her fur; she is really something. Never a dull moment. We often say she behaves more like a dog!

We are grateful to CS for the love and character Akalina has brought to our lives.



Aleksi is doing well! He is the sweetest kitty on earth, we absolutely loving the days with him. Here is a window bed photo, never think it would work, but he surely is loving it.


Just wanted to send you an email with an update on how our little sweetie Brereza is doing! She’s been growing up and is a year and a half now, and is so playful and energetic. She loves chasing her ball and playing with her toys and perching up high on her tower, looking over us. She is so smart and she has us trained to play with her on command!

I’m including a couple pictures of her winter coat that is coming in now, so you can see the beautiful smoke coloured mane she is getting. She is so soft and fluffy and she loves being brushed and will run to us when we pick up the brush.

We think she has been the perfect addition to our family.


Arri is a real turkey and it’s super fun to watch her antics. We love her very much and she has been a great addition to our family. I’ve attached a bunch of photos of her. She and our dog are also getting along great now. Initially she was very happy to sit with me and my wife, and even to fall asleep by our sides. My daughter is definitely the one she has a strong bond with (which is fair, since it’s her cat after all). However she is always willing to let us pick her up and cuddle her like a baby. I reckon we will just have to win her trust again. :-)

Obviously we are totally in love with Arri. She is a perfect fit for our family and we don’t know why we waited to long to get a cat. It was totally worth it! Arri has been such a great addition to our family that our son now also wants one. My son is very excited about the prospects of having his very own cat soon.

Our family would like to thank you for the absolute joy that Arri and Leni have brought into our lives. We simply love the dynamic that they bring to our family, and not a day goes by where we don’t find something new to laugh about regarding those two. They seem to love playing together, with each of them taking turns chasing the other. We find it remarkable how they each have their own personalities, just like people! And you definitely weren’t kidding when you said that Leni makes his voice heard often. It has been, without fail, and daily thing where he will approach my husband when he gets up in the morning to loudly and consistently proclaim “I’m hungry!” And he doesn’t stop until he gets what he wants, and then he start up his “purr” and keeps going like a well-oiled Honda generator.

Along with our feelings of gratitude towards you and your family for bringing these wonderful cats into our lives, we also want to state that we are actively advocating for the Siberian Forest Cat breed and especially for your business at every opportunity we get. There is no other cat breed or business we speak so highly of, and we sincerely hope that our words and recommendations to others translates into additional business for you and your family, because you certainly deserve it.

Once again, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU! Arri and Leni have change our lives for the better. We cannot imagine life without them (and this especially coming from my husband who used to dislike cats with a passion). We hope, trust, and pray that you, your family, and your business are all doing well. May God bless you richly.



Thought I would send over a couple of pictures of Hadli from this weekend.


Thank you! We are in love and loving her so much!


Inessa has been a going concern of fun and love since we got her last month! Thank you again for blessing us with her! As you can see she has made herself right at home!



Czesar is such a sweetheart! We love him so much already, he’s so gentle and sweet and he just loves the pets and cuddles and curling up on our laps. My daughter said “I didn’t think having a kitten would be this much fun!” There’s been lots of zoomies, exploring and playing, but he comes to us for pets and cuddles and little boosts of confidence. He’s right on my lap having a nap now as I type this! I feel like we just had a great connection already! It’s been a busy weekend having fun with our newest family member!

Czesar’s really grown - about 12 lbs now! He looks like a full grown cat so we have to remember that he’s still a wee kitten at heart. He’s pretty goofy. He likes to lay down and generally get tripped over, or check out the contents of the fridge. Pretty funny! We love him!!

He loves playtime, and we’ve taught him a few tricks so far; come, sit, high five, and he jumps through an Aerobie (large ring frisbee) - he’s very food/treat motivated so it works well! Haha He’s a very good helper, always sticking around us humans, and checking out what’s going on especially when groceries are being unloaded.

Czesar travels and adapts really well, we take him to our lakehouse 2 hours south of Calgary when ever we go. We also recently went to see my husband’s mom in BC so left Czesar with my parents here in Calgary and he settled in there no problem because he’s just so easy-going - my mom wanted to keep him, and misses having him around the house now that he’s back home. My dad was equally soft toward him - but won’t admit it - he would follow Czesar around large multi-level deck as he sniffed and adventured.

He’s sure changed colour over time, his back shows a bit more colour, his face colouring has really spread out and his front legs have gotten darker as well. His tail is absolutely magnificent.




Our lovely Dimitrios. He is playful, and happy. Lots of eating and litter time. He goes around all of us, sniffs, ys and touches us gently and moves around.



I can’t believe how much Hlinka has grown since we have got her. She loves playing with feathers. She is getting along with our other cat, encouraging her to be more energetic and playful.

Hlinka is a loved member of our family.


Yes!!!!! We love her!! She’s a sweetheart! And we love her!! She has tons of personality!! Lol Always laying on her back too!!! So cute!! Beautiful colours! She is beautiful!!! And is she supposed to be around 12 pounds already (8 months old). She is a big girl!!! And we love the foot floof too!!! Thanks for all the info!! Helene we love to death. She is sweet and has the funniest personality!!


Update: Helga is doing good. She’s very sweet and gentle to our little boy. We just love her. She sleeps with us everynight and wakes us up every morning with her cuteness.



I just wanted to let you know that Danya is doing great at home. She is playing happily with the kids and her toys. Sh eis adorable and we love her very much.

I love Danya with all my heart. She follows me around everywhere, sleeping in my lap while I work and cuddles next to me while I sleep.


Eddii’s been such a good kitten. He still is a troublemaker and tries to eat all human food, but he learns so quickly what is okay and what is, well, something he tries behind my back.


Feliks is such a sweet, loving cat and he brings so much joy to our lives. He has the loudest purr of any cat I’ve ever known, and he also purrs with his mouth open a lot? I’m not sure if that’s normal but we find it hilarious. He’s 15 pounds (1 year old). He gets plenty of exercise playing with us and our other cat.



Not sure if you still get updates a year later about your cats. Efimia is the sweetest kitty! She’s very vocal and definitely will keep meowing for her routines, plus a lot of trills. She loves playing fetch and chasing after her fav toys in the house. She always greets us at the door when the family has gone out, very social kitty. We are so glad we picked her!


Feodor is doing great, he is very comfortable - seems to love all of his toys and loves to play! He sleeps great but wakes up very early, and of course, very energetic after a great night’s sleep. He is eating well too. He is so wonderful, we just love him. Thank you.

Just wanted to send you an update on almost 11 month old Feodor! He is such a big boy now - so beautiful and we just love him to bits!

First of all, Feodor is doing great. Very sociable and has definitely become one of the family. He has been so good we are interested in a second cat. Want to make certain that we would get them from you as there are many sites.

It looks like our family will be growing one more and we cannot wait. As you both know from previous conversations, everyone in this family (including the dog) absolutely love and adore Elena. She is beautiful, sassy, independent, very playful, and so funny. Even though Elena seems perfectly content and happy, we feel a second kitty will only bring more love, fun, and excitement for everyone!



Thank you, we are loving our kitties. They have so many good traits, playful and gentle, very outgoing. You did a nice job socializing them. Here are a few pics.

We are loving our kitties, what sweet boys! They are really great family cats. Kodiak weighs 17.5 lbs and Kolenka his brother weighs 15.5 lbs (9 months old).


I just wanted to update you on Luki. Thanks again for all of your support! Here are a few pictures form our first trip to the cabin. Luki is just the sweetest and most wild kitten I have ever met. His energy know no bounds. We just can’t get enough of him. He has the purrfect personality and is totally in love with my husband. He loves his car rides. His favourite spot is on the council and always has to have a paw on my husband. As you can see from the pictures, he’s growing like a bad weed. We weighed him yesterday and he’s already 9lbs (6 months old). Thanks again for picking him for us. We just adore him.


Jeniica is getting so big and she is so so so so so sweet!!! We love her!

Jeniica is great! Such a little snuggle bug. She also loves to play - very smart little cat. She has a little routine where every evening she sits by the drawer when she’s ready to play lol

Jeniica turned THREE today! Happy birthday to my squeaky little snugglebug Jeniica. you are the sweetest little cat I’ve ever known!



Taya is doing so great and growing so quickly. She is fitting in so well.


We are just loving having Jara. She is so sweet and playful. We are taking very good care of her and she has settled in beautifully.

We are thoroughly enjoying little miss Jara. She is a snuggly, mischievous character and we feel so lucky to have her. She’s very helpful with laundry - clearly an experienced basket hopper. Upside down is her preferred pose when she’s relaxing.


Katherina is doing super well in our house. She seems to like the variety of playing with the kids and quietly hanging with me while I do school work. She still likes sleeping with my husband and I, and occasionally with our daughter.



retired momma kitty

Yana’s just a big fluff ball of love.


The little one is saying good morning! He cuddled up with his new mama all night and is now playing non stop. I think he owns us.

Jaak loves snuggles and is lucky to have us around. My husband still works from home and I work only 2 days a week so Jaak gets a lot of attention. He still wants to be picked up when he is done playing, like now. We love him so much!!!

Jaak is just the best! He is doing very well! He is growing quickly and is very heavy. We all love him so so much!


Uleia has been doing great. She loves to play fetch! She’s so beautiful!!!